Wednesday, March 30, 2016



    These last two chapters are much harder to write because of all the prophecy.  I start writing and I get more revelation knowledge and then I go on all these other trails that I haven't seen yet.  Wow, God is awesome.  You ask Him a question and He answers.  In my searching after God, I find so much revelation knowledge.  I am good at picking out and finding what He is saying and doing at that  specific time and then all the pieces are like a big puzzle that now has to be put together and interpreted.  The interpretation always takes me much longer to figure out.  As time passes, I go back and read what He has told me and I am in awe of Him.  All of the prophecy God has given to me is so deep and wide, it takes time for my mind to really grasp all that He is saying.  Mainly because I am not educated on any of the things He is showing me, but each time I pick it up and go over it again; can even be years later, I understand so much more.  He is building a house.  Starts with a foundation, Jesus Christ the Word of God and salvation.  You must be born again to understand spiritual things.  Several times I have shared my prophecies and I go back to see these people and they now have some kind of secular book in their house on witchcraft, divination, mediums and fortune telling.  Some of them are Christians.   The foundation matters, it is the plumb line or standard of which all other things are measured.  The one place that never changes, the way, the truth and the life; Jesus Christ.  He is the door to the Kingdom of God, do not try to enter or go places by any other door.  You will not like where you end up.  We are searching and after the Holy Spirit of the living God that Jesus gave us; He is our counselor, teacher and very present help. 
   Okay now that we have the foundation of our house built on Jesus, we can move on.   It has taken years for God to keep building on things He has shown me back in 1995.  Why because He is building a house, we cant put the windows in until we put up the walls.  In other words, I won't be able to understand what He wants to show  me now without understanding what He showed me back in 1995.   In the book of Amos 3:7  Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret councel to His servants the prophets.  And also in book Proverbs 25:2  It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.  A religious spirit likes to say "well if it is not in the Word of God then it is not of God".  That is also why they will cross their arms and look away and even mock my testimonies; because they cant find it in the bible.  God is still DOING all those things He talks about in His word.  And He even says we will do greater works than Jesus.  So lets not put God in a box, but always keep your foundation in Jesus Christ solid.  After I got saved in 1990, I started listening to Charles Stanley.  He is a very good Baptist Preacher and I still listen to him amongst all the other things God shows me, and all the other Pastors I listen to.  Well, now I know why I took so long to start this chapter.  I am concerned about you trying to go spiritual places without a good foundation.  Gods word is always first!  Are you ready to move on now kings and priests of the Most High God?  You are going to want me to be telling you interpretations along the way, but I like to stick with what God shows me and not what I think.  But if you stay with me for a while, I believe we will experience God together.  God wants us to grow up and get it for ourselves.  He wants you to ask Him questions and then be looking for the answer.  That is called a relationship.  If we already knew everything and it is like a program of 1,2 and 3; done the same way every time;  Then we would not need to come to Him and seek Him.  People who have fear like to be in control of everything and everyone so they know what is coming.  God's ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  We have to search for Him, and He is always moving and working.  Lets search for Him in the Word, prayer, meditation, fellowship with other believers, Pastors, mentors, etc...  And don't have fear and don't put Him in a box.  God has many times used the most unlikely source to answer my question or minister to me.  Lets go find where He is working and join Him in His work!   
   I thank you Father God for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die for me, and to pay a debt I could not pay.  I receive your Son Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I ask for forgiveness of all my sins, wash me and make me clean.  I give you my life and I ask you to live in me and through me.  I give you my mind, spirit, soul and body and I ask you to be glorified; be high and lifted up in me.  Now I ask you to lead me and teach me your ways and your thoughts, I receive your love and your mercy.  I am loved, I am forgiven and I am in you and you are in me.  Let your perfect will be done, let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.  And use me Lord God, use ME!  
   Praise God that we are His and He is ours; and we can hear His voice!   Next chapter is "WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?"

Saturday, March 19, 2016



   In 2001 we moved into our new home in Hereford Arizona; a big two story house on 4 acres.  This was our sixth home in 4 years.  It was a repo and needed lots of work done on it.  I was also still cleaning houses, child care and foster parenting.  We also had 2 horses, 3 dogs, 5 cats, guinea pigs and a bird.  God once again filled our house up and over flowing with lots of furniture and everything we needed and more.  My daughter was 11 and still being schooled at home.
   In 2004, I stopped doing foster parenting.  I can remember that around Christmas time, I went driving around the poor part of Sierra Vista Az and I saw a young lady pushing a stroller.  I stopped and asked her if she would like me to bring her some outside toys for her kids, and she said "yes."  I had lots of outside play ground type toys that I didn't need anymore since I quit watching children so I wanted to bless someone.  One day close to Christmas time, I loaded them all up in my truck and left my daughter at home; she was 14 yrs old then.  I was almost to the young ladies house when I started weeping thanking God for blessing me with over flowing abundance so that I was able to bless someone else, and then all of a sudden I felt something touch me on my head.  I was frantically trying to wipe it off, I had no idea what it was.  So I dropped her toys off, prayed for her and said Merry Christmas.  When I got home, my daughter said "mom when you were gone, I was on the computer and something touched me on my head."  Wow!  I never did figure out what that was about, it was definitely spiritual. 
   I started prayer walking everyday.  One day the Lord said "take a walk with me, I am going to show you great and mighty things, do not be afraid."  And when I did I started getting words from Him.  The first word was tumult, meaning a great disturbance.  There is going to be a great disturbance that is going to be ambiguous, open to many different interpretations.  This disturbance will cause my people to be rousted, awakened from slumber, apathy or depression; to become active.  Shortly after this word, the bad hurricanes started.
   Then one day, I was walking in my house when I heard Him say "Vulcan".  So I looked it up and found some astronomical information that some astronomers have predicted that our Sun has a companion star which is too small and faint to be noticed.  The ancients named this planet like body "Vulcan".  Catastrophic effects from cometary collisions have led to an alternate name for the Sun's companion; "Nemesis."  Which means an opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome--one that inflicts vengeance and retribution--a source of harm or ruin.  Vulcan has also been called the "dark star."  Vulcan can influence comet-like space debris by canceling out its angular momentum and drawing it in from the Oort cloud with some periodicity related to Vulcan's orbit.  The comets orbits are often modified as they pass near planets.  But the initial incoming direction is most often from Vulcan's aphelion.  As the comets near the sun, their sphere of influence collapses into a planet sized cloud.  This becomes a leading and trailing cluster of hail which ignites as it enters earths atmosphere.  Revelation 8:7 - The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came HAIL AND FIRE mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth.  A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.  This implies that comet related debris fragments made of combustible material enter the atmosphere and ignite.  This prophecy may also be describing the results of a collapse of the earths magnetic field.  Energetic solar particles held in the Van Allen belts and earths bow wave would be released causing global "northern lights" displays and mutations of microbes.
   At this point in my research of all the revelations God had given me, I saw Vulcan falling out of the sky.  God told me that "Vulcan is going to fall".  He also showed me that the earths magnetic field being out of balance is the cause of many natural disasters to come.  As I looked up info about the magnetic field and what could happen if it were out of balance, I saw underground rivers breaking forth, in the natural and in the spirit.  I asked God where is Vulcan going to fall?  And I heard Virginia, I also saw fire when He told me Virginia.  After pondering these thoughts for awhile, I thought maybe there is a political twist to all this.  So I started searching on the web and ended up on the Time Magazine Site.  I found an article by James Mann, the article read "Fall of a Vulcan."  I also found that he wrote a book called "Rise of the Vulcans."  The Vulcans turned out to be the Presidents War Cabinet of the United States.  Condoleeza Rice had grown up in Birmingham Alabama, a steel town; and overlooking the city is a huge statue of Vulcan; the Roman god of the forge.  It is the largest iron statue in the world.  And it is the mythological god of fire, volcanoes and metal working.  It is also depicted with a blacksmiths hammer.  So for some reason, the U.S. war cabinet called themselves the Vulcans.  The six people that he profiled in his book are Dick Cheney, the Vice President, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense; Paul Wolfowitz, his Deputy; Colin Powell, who was Secretary of State in the first George W. Bush administration; his Deputy, Richard Armitage; and Condoleeza Rice.
    Next God gave me the word "preeminence" which means - superiority or foremost.  In the book by James Mann he mentions that he has traced three or four common attitudes that the Vulcans have had over the years.  One of them is an emphasis on the importance of military power.  Military power is the main goal and main approach, main tactic.  This isn't a matter of institution building.  Military power is preeminent.   God also gave me the words "Northern lights" and the number 4.  I had no idea what "northern lights" meant until God led me to a book called "Angels Don't Play this HAARP" by Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich,  When I picked up this book, I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility as I read and saw that this book just summed up everything God had been showing me over the past year or so.
   HAARP stands for "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" which is a joint project of the United States Air Force and Navy, based in Alaska (Northern Lights).  The project is a research program designed to study the ionosphere in order to develop new weapons technology.  The HAARP system is designed to manipulate the ionosphere, a layer which begins about thirty miles above the earth.  The transmitter or HAARP device on the ground is a phased array antenna system - a large field of antennas designed to work together in focusing radio-frequency energy for manipulating the ionosphere.  The radio frequency energy can be pulsed, shaped, and altered in ways never possible with other transmitters or at the power levels of this new facility.
   HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam.  It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater."  (The ionosphere is electrically-charged sphere surrounding the earth's upper atmosphere.)  Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antennas send out signals instead of receiving.  HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas.  Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything--living and dead.  In the book "Angels Don't Play this HAARP" there are interviews with independent scientists, Dr. Rauscher shared her mental picture of the ionosphere.  A soap-bubble-like sphere surrounding earths atmosphere, with movements swirling over the surface of the bubble.  If a big enough hole is punched through it, she predicts, it could pop.  David Yarrow, a researcher with a background in electronics described possible interactions of HAARP radiations with the ionosphere and earths magnetic grid.  "HAARP will not burn 'holes' in the ionosphere; that is a dangerous understatement of what HAARP's giant gigawatt beam will do.  Earth is spinning relative to thin electric shells of the multilayer membrane of 'iono-spheres' that absorb and shield earths surface from intense solar radiation, including charged particle storms in solar winds erupting from the sun.  Earths axial spin means that HAARP - in a burst lasting more than a few minutes - will slice through the ionosphere like a microwave knife.  This produces not a 'hole' but a long tear -- an incision.
   Second concept:  Crudely Plucking the Strings - As earth rotates, HAARP will slice across geomagnetic flux...a donut shaped spool of magnetic strings -- like longitude meridians (on maps).  HAARP may not 'cut' these strings in Gaia's magnetic mantle, but will pulse each thread with harsh, out-of-harmony high frequencies.  These noisy impulses will vibrate geomagnetic flux lines, sending vibrations all through the geomagnetic web.  The image comes to mind of a spider on its web.  An insect lands, and the web's vibrations alert the spider to possible prey.  HAARP will be a man-made microwave finger poking at the web, sending out confusing signals, if not tearing holes in the threads.
    Odin is a Swedish satellite working in two disciplines: astrophysics and aeronomy, and it was named after Odin of Norse mythology. Within the field of astrophysics, Odin was used until the spring of 2007 aiding in the study of star formation. Odin is still used for aeronomical observations, including exploration of the depletion of the ozone layer and effects of global warming.
The main instrument on Odin is a radiometer using a 1.1 m telescope, designed to be used for both the astronomy and aeronomy missions. The radiometer works at 486-580 GHz and at 119 GHz. The second instrument on board is the OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imager System).[1]
Odin was developed by the Space Systems Division of Swedish Space Corporation (now OHB Sweden) as part of an international project involving the space agencies of Sweden (SNSB), Finland (TEKES), Canada (CSA) and France (CNES). Odin was launched on a START-1 rocket on February 20, 2001 from Svobodny, Russia. [2]
In April 2007, astronomers announced that Odin had made the first ever detection of molecular oxygen (O
) in interstellar clouds.[3][4]   I WILL TALK OF ODIN AGAIN, DONT FORGET THIS PIECE.
   OZONE LAYER = The highest levels of ozone in the atmosphere are in the stratosphere, in a region also known as the layer between about 10 km and 50 km above the surface.  Here it filters out the shorter wavelengths (LESS THAN 320nm) of ultraviolet light (270 to 400nm) from the Sun that would be harmful to most forms of life in large doses.  These same wavelengths are also responsible for the production of vitamin D, which is essential for human health.  Ozone in the stratosphere is mostly produced from ultraviolet rays reacting with oxygen.  God has been showing me things about the number 32 over and over.  And they all fit together, and become prophecy. 
    I am remembering this morning how in 1997, after I read Deut 32 Moses' Song; I took a nap and awakened to see my hands moving like playing a harp which is perpetual, even today. And in 2005, God told me that "Vulcan is going to fall." Vulcan is the mythological god of fire, he also has a hammer as a blacksmith. Vulcan is also "Nemesis" an opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome--one that inflicts vengeance and retribution--a source of harm or ruin. Vulcan also turned out to be the War Cabinet of the United States of America, which is named after the statue in Birmingham Al . of the largest iron statue of the mythological god of Vulcan. So yes, we have been seeing over the years Deut 32 playing out and also the United States falling. THE SONG OF MOSES IS STILL PLAYING
    STILL LOTS MORE PROPHECY TO COME - DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOD IS DOING?  THEN FOLLOW ME...MY LIFE IS PROPHETIC...I DONT KNOW HOW GOD DOES IT....BUT HE DOES.    I am not educated on any of these topics.  I only know what God shows me.  I do what I see my Father doing.  He was even showing me things about the stars and comets and how they were signs of what he was doing.  God led me to a website on Biblical Astronomy by Bob Wadsworth.  He tells how all the constellations tell the story of Jesus.  And when astronomical events happen, like comets passing through certain constellations; he would tell of its significance pertaining to the bible.  I recently tried to research on his site and he is no longer updating his information.  But all of the old stuff is still there to look at.  Genesis 1:14 "And God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and days, and years."  Psalm 19:1-3  The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handy work.  Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.  There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Chapter 10 - GIVE THEM TO GOD

CHAPTER 10 - GIVE THEM TO GOD - Columbus Ohio 1997

   I encountered big demons in Columbus Ohio.  The spiritual warfare was always going on, with no letting up.  Once again, as I was having such awesome times in God at World Harvest Church, the greatest I've ever experienced,  it was also the greatest spiritual warfare I've ever experienced.  I found out what it means when they say "big anointing, big devils."  Pastor Rod Parsley has a great anointing, his ministry has brought miracles and deliverance in my life and I thank God for him and his wonderful anointed congregation.   And if you ask my daughter today, she will tell you that it was a wonderful childhood memory for her.  She did not ever know anything bad or stressful was going on.  I kept my focus on God and what He was doing, not on the devil.
   The spirit of Jezebel kept trying to provoke me.  It even found ways to stir up the apartment community against me.  But I just stayed in love and did not react to any of the tricks of the enemy.  That caused this spirit to even get more hostile as she is lashing out for any kind of control.  Eventually, it was so obvious who is real and who is the imposter; that her family leaves the church.
Not long after they leave, two Sundays in a row my car would not start after church; so I was not able to make it to work.  Then I lose my job and I started feeling like my work with God was done here.  So we sell and give away all that we had again, and move to Hemet California.
   I chose Hemet California because that is where Amanda's dad lives.  Her dad is a successful artist with many beautiful sculptures.  He did his work out of his home and a lot of stray clay would get tracked onto the carpet.  He paid me to pick it out of the carpet until I found a job as an apartment manager and threw newspapers to make up for costs.  She was able to visit her dad a lot and he even bought us a car.  This is when I started home schooling Amanda, at age 7.
   We were only in Hemet for a few months when I got the phone call that my mom had cancer.   I can recall back in 1996 before we left for Ohio, I had visited a church and ended up giving my whole family over to God; telling God I cannot save them but you can.  We sell and give away everything again and head to Sierra Vista Az where my mom and dad live.  We moved in with my parents to help them out.   While out to breakfast one morning with my mom, an elderly man asked me if I would clean his house, and I thought it would be a little extra money while helping my parents,  so I did.   I was able to pray with my mother and she asked Jesus to be her Lord and Savior.  We even went to church together and I also got to experience my dad walking down to the altar weeping and asking Jesus to be his Lord and Savior.  And I also got to hear my dad on his knees by my mom apologizing for things I thought I would never witness.  Things that I deeply longed for were coming to pass, because of the cancer.  My mom passed on to glory in January 1999.  My dad remarried and then he passed on to glory in 2010.  I thank God that they are saved and that He allowed me to experience those very precious moments with them.
   After my mom had passed away in 1999, we had moved into an apartment community in Sierra Vista.  I started cleaning the apartments after people moved out.  I also started doing childcare and became a licensed foster parent.  My daughter and I enjoyed all the children so much, I still think about and love them all.  In 2001, I was renting a house in town; we were thriving and doing well. My daughter even talked me into getting her a colt.  I knew nothing about taking care of a horse either; I had to pay for boarding it.   The owners of the house we were living in said they were going to sell it, so I decided to try and buy it.  I didn't really think I had a chance because when I got out of the Air Force I had some debt that was still owed.  I was approved for the loan on the house and went to sign first escrow papers.  My daughter and I were so excited and I even started doing some repairs on the house, then the owners changed their mind.   We were so upset, but I thought well I was approved for a loan, so I'm going to buy a house.  We found one on a rural property, foreclosure on 4 acres and perfect for our horse.  Only problem was that they wanted more money down.  I had just recently got a new housekeeping customer, they were an elderly couple.  I was cleaning their house one day and telling them my story of how they changed their mind on selling me the house.  The next time I went to clean for them, they said "Laurie, we are going to finance you for the whole thing and give you 10,000 more for repairs on the house."  Wow, praise God!  God had a better plan than I did.
   Gods ways are not my ways, and His thoughts are not my thoughts.  And He proved that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.  To God be the glory.  Ephesians 3:20  I am very excited about writing the next chapter on "I'm going to show you great and mighty things."  Stay with me, your Father God is calling you.  He is calling you into an intimate relationship with Him.  A place where you can hear Him, experience Him and learn how to follow His Holy Spirit.