Tuesday, December 12, 2017
When I was in the Air Force in 1994, I was told that I could not say "God or pray" in the workplace. I went to social actions and complained; and they would not take one side or the other. So then I went to a military chaplain. I told him my story and all he said to me was "YOU BETTER COUNT THE COST." And not long after that, God told me to get out of the Air Force. He then led me to sell and give away all my belongings. And my family turned against me because I put God first in my life. Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. And so I gave up my life to follow God. He taught me how to hear and obey His Holy Spirit. God cleaned this house (my body) and moved in. And after all these years of working with Father God, there has been a recurring theme to my call. He started my calling by exposing me and teaching me about the spirit of Jezebel. And almost everywhere He leads me I run into this intimidating, manipulating and dominating spirit. The spirit of Jezebel hates the TRUE prophets of God and will do whatever it takes to eliminate them. With the true prophets of God around, she no longer has control of everything and everyone. She does not want the Holy Spirit to have any control, she wants it all. And she spreads the spirit of fear and talks of devil much. Her agenda is to have all control over the people and resources. So when you see this spirit trying to eliminate the Holy Spirit and his miracles and his prophets and saints; beware they are not of God but Satan. Even God does not take away our free will. And so after 22 years of serving God and his people, helping them get set free from this spirit.....I say "I COUNTED THE COST, I PAID IT. AND NOW I AM BACK." I am back with power and DEMONSTRATION OF THE HOLY GHOST with a fire in my belly to cast out demons and heal the sick. And I command you spirit of Jezebel TO LET GOD'S PEOPLE GO! In the name of Jesus Christ and with His authority I throw the spirit of Jezebel that has infiltrated our religious systems and government, I throw her down to the dogs to be eaten. Nothing left of her but her skull, feet and palms of her hands. And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel; so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel.
At a womens bible study on Post, I am still being harrassed and threatened not to speak and not to tell any of my testimonies of what God has done in my life. Head Chaplain gave a lecture to all of the women, but was specifically aimed at me; hoping all the other women would jump on thier band wagon to shut me up. He mentioned that if any one experienced this type of solicitation to tell Provost Marshall. And so I asked how do I get in contact with this Provost Marshall, is there a phone number. He was angry with me and stormed off saying "I will just call them right now for you." Once again, being pushy and dominating over me; making this appointment that he did not know if I had time to attend. So in the middle of the bible study, he opens the door and calls me out and says they are there (and once again, making a big show trying to make me look bad.) Not only was the Provost Marshall there but also a Policeman. I explained to them how the woman in charge of religious education post wide, took me to a back room and told me I have used up all my words just in the second week of this 13 week long bible study on Jeremiah. And that I am not allowed to speak, I am to sit there and just listen. And also told me that I am not allowed to tell any testimonies of what God has done for me, that it is called solicitation. And not only that, a woman who they have placed as President over the Post womens bible studies, later that day took me aggressively by the arm pushing and pulling on me telling me to go speak to the Head Chaplain. After I spoke with head chaplain, he told me that he was going to sit in on each bible study to examine me. And not only was he going to sit in on this bible study to examine me, but also at the other bible study I attend on Sunday mornings at the small chapel. Anyway, after weeks of their harrassment and intimidation, I said they are not letting up. So Police asked me what do you want? I said I want them to back off and allow me the same free speach as all of them. They are all telling of things God has done in their life freely. And I showed them my bible study book on Jeremiah that was given to me by them; and how it says after every chapter to now think about how this book of Jeremiah applies to your own life and to leave time in the bibile study to allow us all to talk about it. I told them that they are only allowing speach that doesn't make them uncomfortable in any way. And when we are discussing the book of Jeremiah, that might be impossible. They hate to be corrected so much, that it doesn't matter what I say, they try to shut me up and say it is wrong. And all the while they are acting out the book of Jeremiah right before our eyes....AND THEY ARE STILL BLIND. These same leaders also speak of John MacArthur very highly, and how they think his theory of the bible is the best one. Well, John MacArthur is a well known CESSATIONIST. I have many testimonies of God's supernatural power and deliverance in my life. So is it any wonder that they would want to shut up and kick out anyone who disproves their theology of how miracles, Apostles, Prophets, signs and wonders have CEASED after John the Apostle died. They not only believe this way, but they are intimidating, manipulating, and dominating very aggressively to make sure their are no miracles or Holy Spirit moving in their atmosphere. This is very evil...and her name is Jezebel. After this woman who is head over religious education heard of my blog which contains my testimonies; she FREELY read it without being coherced or forced in any way. I did not even give her my blog site, she got it from someone else. When ever she is around me, she causes a big scene telling the other women not to get by me or touch me, as she is quivering with fear. Plainly, we are of two very different opposite spirits. She and her many followers are the perfect example of the Pharisees who persecute the messengers and saints of God. She has many puppets doing all her dirty work who will be judged along with her. I am telling you the truth. You must be doers of the Word and not just hearers, DECEIVING YOUR OWN SELVES. If you are not doers, you are no better than the Pharisees. When you are a doer, you will get many testimonies of WHAT GOD HAS DONE in your life; and this what Satan hates. BUT THIS IS HOW YOU OVERCOME, BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND THE WORD OF YOUR TESTIMONY. Now DO THE WORD, CONFIRM HIS WORD IS TRUE BY DOING IT. And then you will see that the Word of God comes alive. All that He says will happen to you, for His sake, will happen. BUT TAKE COURAGE, HE HAS GIVEN YOU POWER TO OVERCOME THE WORLD. And there is nothing better than working with God and knowing that you are in his perfect will, covered, protected, care for, walking in his power and Spirit, CONFIDENT IN HIM, because He is the One leading you and working in and through you. PRAISE GOD, YOU ARE HIS, AND HE IS YOURS. NO FEAR. ONLY FAITH AND POWER IN THE HOLY GHOST. NOW GO, TELL YOUR STORIES OF WHAT GOD HAS DONE! And may God bless you and keep you, and shine His face upon you. Amen, amen, amen laurieanncarlisle.blogspot.com
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